Week 2: The Song of Nature, theme 1: ORGANISMS
Week 3: The Song of Nature, theme 1: ORGANISMS
Week 4: The Song of Nature, theme 1: ORGANISMS
Week 6: The Song of Nature, theme 2: STORIES
Week 7: The Song of Nature, theme 2: STORIES
Week 8: The Song of Nature, theme 2: STORIES
Week 9: Interlude - To Experience Nature
Week 10: The Song of Nature, theme 3: ENVIRONMENT
Week 11: The Song of Nature, theme 3: ENVIRONMENTS
Week 12: The Song of Nature, theme 3: ENVIRONMENTS
Appendix #1 - Natural History Books
Appendix #2 - Index of Nature Poems
Appendix #3 - Selected Outlines of Living Things

Day 2: Ontogeny


Insects and birds provide remarkable examples of individual organismic development; here are two minicourses on insect development, followed by a video on what happens inside of a bird egg.

 Reading: “Metamorphosis and Diapause in Insects (TNAU eCourse)” 

Reading: “Types of Larvae and Pupae (TNAU eCourse)


Video: “Flight – The Genius of Birds – Embryonic Development” (4:09)


Look at organisms today as entities with lifetimes. The acorn and the oak are the same species, just at different points in their story. How many juveniles can you find? How about eggs, or aged individuals?